On 5/14/2010 11:49, Jared Mauch wrote:
> I'm curious what providers have not gotten their IPv6 plans/networks/customer 
> ports enabled.
> I know that Comcast is doing their trials now (Thanks John!) and will be 
> presenting at the upcoming NANOG about their experiences.
> What parts of the big "I" Internet are not enabled or ready?

Verizon has POPs that aren't IPv6 enabled making it a pain in the ass if
you're closer to one of those (currently on month 11 of waiting, I'm
just letting it go because I'm curious how long it'll take), Sprint
isn't doing native IPv6 with their GSR's yet, Cogent's IPv6 visibility
is poor, Level3 isn't accepting new IPv6 "beta" connections, and AT&T
simply told me not available yet.

Tunnels are still a necessity.


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