In message <>, Antonio 
Querubin writes:
> On Mon, 10 May 2010, Chris Adams wrote:
> > How are ISPs that still offer dialup going to handle dialup and IPv6?  I
> > know the TNTs don't do it, and I don't think most of the old equipment
> > in use in many places does.
> 6to4

You don't want 6to4.  Even if you provide relay routers the return
traffic is problematic.  6to4 also requires public IPv4 addresses
and you will eventually want to share these between your customers.

> Antonio Querubin
> 808-545-5282 x3003
> e-mail/xmpp:
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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