There are those ppl who just want to do e-mail, are comfortable with
dial-up, don¹t want to pay for than $5-10 for internet, and can¹t get
anything else.
Justin Wilson <>
Wisp Consulting ­ Tower Climbing ­ Network Support

From: "Gregory J. Boehnlein" <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 12:32:56 -0400
To: 'Mark Foster' <>, 'Bill Fehring'
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: Dial Concentrators - TNT / APX8000 R.I.P.

When I sold my business in January, we still had 4 PRI circuits that were
providing Dial-Up access using Livingston Portmaster 3's. I bet those things
will run for another 5 years! :)

Dial Up still has a place in many areas where Broadband cannot
cost-effectively reach. Better to have Dial Up than nothing at all.

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