On 10/05/2010 17:00, Aaron Glenn wrote: > my gut says things would do well to begin with simply making an effort > at maintaining usable irr data and automagically generating sane > filters. why don't people do that again? I hope I'm not naively > misunderstanding a primary use of irr data in front of 10,000 of my > closest friends...
There are a lot of problems associated with using IRRDB filters for inbound prefix filtering. - some clients announce lots of prefixes. This can make inbound prefix filtering difficult in some situations. pixiedust:/home/nick> grep '>' pakistani-telecom.bgpdump.txt | wc -l 967 - there are some endemic data reliability problems with the IRRDBs, exacerbated by the fact that on most of the widely-used IRRDBs, there is no link between the RIR and the IRRDB, which means that anyone can register any address space. whois.ripe.net doesn't allow this, but lots of other IRRDBs do. - the ripe whois server software does not support server-side as-set expansion. This is a really serious problem if you're expanding large ASNs. - there is very little client software. At least irrtoolset compiles these days, but its front-end is very primitive. rpsltool provides some really nice templating functionality, but doesn't implement large sections of the rpsl standards. Nick