On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
>> http://skunkpost.com/news.sp?newsId=2327
> same article as the one bellovin linked yesterday.  but this version has
> author attribution.  thanks.

a couple choice quotes:
"Spokesmen at AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc., two of the
largest, world-spanning carriers of Internet traffic, said they were
unable to find anyone at their companies who could discuss the issue
of routing reform."

guess they didn't find rexford's successor @7018 or schiller @701? oh,
well actually these folks don't do telephone networking so I guess it
makes perfect sense :(

"Pieter Poll, the chief technology officer at Qwest Communications
International Inc., says that he would support some simple mechanisms
to validate data routes, but he argues that fundamental reform isn't
necessary. Hijackings are typically corrected quickly enough that they
don't pose a major threat, he argues."

qwest customers may want to take note here..."quickly enough" is how
much of your business lost exactly?


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