On Tue, 4 May 2010, Chris Boyd wrote:
Most of the ADSL installations I've seen in SBC 13 state area had
interleaving turned on, which significantly increases latency. I
suspect that's why many cable MSOs in the same territory have "cable is
better for gaming" marketing campaigns running all the time.
So the latency you see on an ADSL line is dependent on how the carrier
set up the DSLAM.
Interleaving is good because it reduces bit error rate on the line. Would
be good though if the carrier let the customer change the properties of
the line to optimize for different things, high snr target/no interleaving
for low bw/low BER/low latency applications, low snr target/interleaving
for file transfers.
Mikael Abrahamsson email: swm...@swm.pp.se