On May 4, 2010, at 7:27 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

> I am not sure what the point is in mixing in speed of light latency. If your 
> "typical sites" are, say,
> Indian cricket blogs, you will typically have a high latency from the US. 
> What does that tell
> you about your DSL or Cable system, except that it is somewhat removed from 
> India ?

Most of the ADSL installations I've seen in SBC 13 state area had interleaving 
turned on, which significantly increases latency.  I suspect that's why many 
cable MSOs in the same territory have "cable is better for gaming" marketing 
campaigns running all the time.

So the latency you see on an ADSL line is dependent on how the carrier set up 
the DSLAM.


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