Dave Israel wrote:
On 4/9/2010 12:30 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Put differently, you work in this arena too... you've presumably
talked to stakeholders. Can you list some of the reasons people have
provided for not adopting v6, and are any of them related to the v6
policies regarding address space?
(many excellent reasons removed)
Let me just add on:
(more excellent reasons removed)
I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned cost. Even if all the network
equipment (hardware and software) in a given network were already v6
compatible, there's a substantial cost to train, test, document, deploy,
support. Most companies will put this cost off for as long as possible,
unless there are clear cost savings to be had by deploying sooner. Add
in the problems getting vendors to produce v6 compatible networking
equipment. Add in the cost to upgrade legacy systems to v6 compatible
equipment (when available).
Most companies are trying to determine the optimum time to upgrade, and
at this point they believe that this time is still in the future, not now.
Some of them will be up against a Y2K type of deadline when the v4 space
runs out, scrambling to move to v6 when they need more IPs and can't get
anymore usable v4 addresses.