On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 16:01:55 EDT, William Herrin said:
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 3:49 PM, John Payne <j...@sackheads.org> wrote:
> > So again, why do WE have to encourage YOU to adopt IPv6?
> > Why should WE care what you do to the point of creating
> > new rules so YOU don't have to pay like everyone else?
> Because when WE haven't deployed IPv6 yet and YOU have trouble finding
> a free IPv4 address for your new server, it'll be YOUR problem too.

No, because John will just deploy a IPv6-only server, and it will be *your*
support desk catching the "why can't I reach John's service" calls.

You *really* don't want to be the last guy to deploy IPv6 among your

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