>> The question discussed is the practice of performing resource review
>> as a result of fraudulent applications.
> no.  what was being discussed was transfers.  you turned left, asserted
> that they were fraudulent, and told people to turn in their neighbors.

If a company can justify a /?? with ARIN, they are free to turn around and
pay someone else for a /?? or less. They can even buy a corporate shell
that has a registered address range and it is not fraudulent.

Where fraud enters the picture is where the buyer is doing an end run
around ARIN policy and buys a /?? which they cannot justify under ARIN
rules. Or, when they buy a corporate shell that has the same name as
the registrant of a legacy address range, but that corporate shell is not
actually the successor of the company who originally registered the

The group of neighbors who depend on IP addresses for their organization's
networks and internetworks, have gathered together in the IETF and later
in ARIN, to set up some ground rules for how IP addresses are managed.
The process is open, and transparent and based on the necessities of
limited supply and technical details of IP routing. Yes, if someone is
cheating the rest of their neighbors then you should turn them in.

--Michael Dillon

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