On 4/8/2010 10:32 AM, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> On 07 Apr 2010 18:40, N. Yaakov Ziskind wrote:
>> I don't think the issue is *money* (at least the big issue; money is
>> *always* an issue), but rather the all-of-sudden jump from being
>> unregulated to regulated, whatever that means.
> ARIN is not a regulator.  The "jump" is from not paying for services
> that you have no contract for to paying for services that you do have a
> contract for.

BULL SH*T, ARIN makes determinations as to how many IP addresses it will
issue and in that sense it is exactly a regulator.

>> I would think multiple times before making that jump. Hence my suggestion to 
>> set up a separate organization to request IPv6 space, and thus not 
>> 'endanger' whatever I had before.
> Signing an RSA to get new space does not _in any way_ "endanger" or
> otherwise affect legacy resources.  Putting legacy resources under LRSA
> (or RSA, if you wished) is a completely separate action and is, for now
> at least, completely optional.  You do not need to set up a separate
> organization; all that does is waste your time and ARIN's.
> S

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