Perhaps the appropriate approach if the title is internet related is
to call for a BoF at IETF, setup a WG to work on a standards titles
draft, get it published as an RFC, vest the authority on IANA and
start a PDP at ICANN to determine who can obtain and ware the title
and how much has to pay for it.

Now thinking it through, this may be something we can ask the ITU to
do instead of trying to get into the internet standards and
non-governance of the internet, I'm sure they will probably after a
couple of years will come out with the pink book of titles
recommendations that will be uniformly accepted and implemented around
the world including developing countries.

Need a beer


On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:32 PM, George Imburgia
<> wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Mar 2010, wrote:
>> I've had the occasional whinge from pedants that complain that 'Engineer'
>> is a
>> controlled term and the state should take action on my use of it, and I
>> point
>> out to them (a) not in my field, yet, and (b) it was the Commonwealth of
>> Virginia that *gave* me the title so they should feel free to take it up
>> with the guys in Richmond.
> Good point. A title assigned by a government agency is probably most
> appropriate.
> Cheers,
> George
> Person of Interest

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