On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 23:14:52 EDT, Steve Bertrand said:

> For instance, I like to present myself as a 'network engineer'. I have
> never taken formal education, don't hold any certifications (well, since
> 2001), and can't necessarily prove my worth.

Our payroll system was overhauled a few years ago, and  it now claims I'm an
"IT Spec III", but provides for an alternate "working title".  I couldn't get
"Utility Infielder" on my business card, so I kept the business cards that
still say "Computer Systems Senior Engineer".  I don't go through cards very
fast. ;)

One of my cohorts prefers the term "Mutagen". :)

I've had the occasional whinge from pedants that complain that 'Engineer' is a
controlled term and the state should take action on my use of it, and I point
out to them (a) not in my field, yet, and (b) it was the Commonwealth of
Virginia that *gave* me the title so they should feel free to take it up
with the guys in Richmond.

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