On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:44 AM, joel jaeggli <joe...@bogus.com> wrote:
> On 3/26/2010 8:15 AM, Rick Ernst wrote:
>> I've noticed over the last 3 years or so that TDM, specifically T-1,
>> access
>> and transport has been in a steady decline.  Customers are moving to FTTH
>> and cable, or going WiMAX and Metro-Ethernet.  Ethernet seems to have
>> taken
>> an even bigger bite out of DS-3.  The bigger pipes seem to favor ethernet.
>> A
>> recent upgrade from OC-3 to GigE transport actually saved us a large chunk
>> of money.
>> I'm wondering if others are seeing the same behavior, if it's
>> market-dependant, or if I'm just imagining things.  I'm working on
>> building
>> new infrastructure and my current thoughts are to minimize my TDM
>> footprint.  It would be useful to get a better feel if this is an overall
>> trend or something local.
> Why I think it comes down to is do you want to use frame-relay, atm, sdh and
> ethernet when you can just use ethernet?
> lan-phy ethernet has economies of scale that result in lower cost along
> virtually every dimension relative to the alternatives.
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks,

Diversity, in case of locations meant to be used as each other's backup/failover

***Stefan Mititelu

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