> X-VR-Score: -70.00 > Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 11:48:31 -0500 > From: Larry Sheldon <larryshel...@cox.net> > To: nanog@nanog.org > Subject: Re: Latency quesstion > > On 3/18/2010 10:07, Larry Sheldon wrote: > > On 3/18/2010 09:56, Dennis Dayman wrote: > >> have a friend who has 21 floors of a building in DFW, multiple [...] > > It would be interesting to know where this message has been for an hour > and a half.
It looks like it was stuck on machine eastrmpop110.cox.net for a while: Received: from eastrmpop110.cox.net ([]) by s0.nanog.org with esmtp (Exim 4.68 (FreeBSD)) (envelope-from <larryshel...@cox.net>) id 1NsIq7-00072X-DV for nanog@nanog.org; Thu, 18 Mar 2010 16:44:56 +0000 Received: from eastrmimpo01.cox.net ([]) by eastrmmtao107.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2244-105-20090324) with ESMTP id <20100318150713.fcrz18765.eastrmmtao107.cox....@eastrmimpo01.cox.net> for <nanog@nanog.org>; Thu, 18 Mar 2010 11:07:13 -0400 It didn't waste any time getting from you to eastrmimpop01.cox.net but took about 45 minutes to get off of eastrmpop110.cox.net. That backlog has most probably been cleared up by now. Regards, Gregory Hicks --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregory Hicks | Principal Systems Engineer | Direct: 408.569.7928 People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf -- George Orwell The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. -- Thomas Jefferson "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton