Its also possible there are STP issues, so check where you roots are for the 
vlans and make sure they are deterministically set.


On Mar 18, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Brielle Bruns wrote:

> Dennis,
> In large installations, I've always found it helpful when diagnosing LAN 
> issues to isolate floors and departments first - using routers or with 
> devices that can do transparent bridging.  That way, you can walk through 
> each dept/floor testing for the issues, and hopefully find only one location 
> its still affecting.
> Its entirely likely that there's either a loop of some sort or a switch has 
> gone off the deep end.  
> If you'd like, let him know if he wants to drop me a mail, I can walk through 
> details about the situation and hopefully help him narrow it down.
> ------Original Message------
> From: Dennis Dayman
> To:
> Subject: Latency quesstion
> Sent: Mar 18, 2010 7:56 AM
> have a friend who has 21 floors of a building in DFW, multiple switches, etc 
> and they started to have latency issues this weekend where half if not all 
> packet are being dropped to folder shares, printers, etc. Suggestions on how 
> they can troubleshoot that? call in a company to help identify it?
> -Dennis
> -- 
> Brielle Bruns
>  /

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