Dear Mister Morrow,
Thank you for your reply.
To quote :
"The advantage/disadvantage of 100,000+ host drone armies is that they
don't actually *have* to flood you, per se. 10 pps (or less) each and
you are going to crush almost everything without raising any alarms
based on statistically significant patterns especially based on IPs.
Fully/properly formed HTTP port 80 requests to "/" won't set of any
alarms since each host is opening 1 or 2 connections and sending
keepalives after that. If you forcibly close the connection, it can wait
5 seconds or 15 minutes before it reopens, it doesn't really care.
Anything that hits you faster than that is certainly obnoxious, but MUCH
easier to address simply because they are being boring. "
From my point of view, it seems similar to the EDoS concept :
"EDoS attacks, however, are death by a thousand cuts. EDoS can also
utilize distributed attack sources as well as single entities, but works
by making legitimate web requests at volumes that may appear to be
“normal” but are done so to drive compute, network, and storage utility
billings in a cloud model abnormally high."
Best Regards,
Guillaume FORTAINE
On 03/16/2010 02:47 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Guillaume FORTAINE<> wrote:
Dear Mister Jain,
Thank you for your reply.
You are speaking about EDoS (Economic Denial of Sustainability). Please see
the following article :
Consider a new take on an old problem based on ecommerce: Click-fraud. I
actually deepak was just saying that if you diffuse the botnet enough
you don't have to send more traffic from individual nodes than would
be normally expected. In total they swamp the end service
(potentially). There wasn't any discussion of clickfraud in his note.