It only supported IPv5.  :)
   [1] wrote:

What happened to CRS-2? :)
------Original Message------
From: Robert Enger - NANOG
To: David Hubbard
Cc: [2]
Subject: Re: CRS-3
Sent: Mar 9, 2010 4:20 PM

Forget Linksys:  Didn't Peter Lothberg's mom have a CRS1 in her basement already
? :-)

She said it was great for drying her clothes.
If she gets the CRS-3, will she be able to dry her clothes even faster?

On 3/9/2010 11:54 AM, David Hubbard wrote:

The article about this in the tech section on CNN
already has comments in it like "Oh, well Cisco
owns Linksys and I have a Linksys router so will
my ISP be updating me to the CRS-3 so I can
download at those speeds?"  LOL

On 3/9/2010 11:54 AM, David Hubbard wrote:

From: Brian Feeny [[3]]

So who is going to be the first to deploy these?


- Download the entire Library of Congress in just over 1 second
- Stream every motion picture ever created in less than four minutes

If nothing else you gotta love the Cisco Marketing machine!


The article about this in the tech section on CNN
already has comments in it like "Oh, well Cisco
owns Linksys and I have a Linksys router so will
my ISP be updating me to the CRS-3 so I can
download at those speeds?"  LOL

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network



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