On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 02:28, Graeme Fowler <gra...@graemef.net> wrote:

> Fresh operational content: one of the reasons services like Spamcop
> occasionally list services like Facebook is that they don't honour 5xx
> responses to RCPT TO:. I'd offer some statistics but I'm concerned that
> the legal brigade will jump down my throat, but I suggest that anyone
> running a system like an academic mail platform take a look at the
> number of invalid recipients services like Facebook try to deliver. If
> they stopped doing that they'd be a long way towards better behaviour,
> IMO.
As long as we're going off-topic, might as well go all the way :V

How long should a sender (say, Facebook) retain a database of 5xx SMTP
responses? Just because jim...@school.edu doesn't exist today, doesn't mean
that James Robert Jones won't enroll in the fall and get jimbob@ as his
school-provided email address.

David Smith

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