On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 23:27 -0800, Shon Elliott wrote:
> So really, my customers, and myself are victims of
> Spamcop's blocking of Facebook.

I forget how far back in this thread someone said:

Spamcop *listed* Facebook for valid reasons according to their published
listing criteria.

Other people blocked it. Not Spamcop.

FWIW outright blocking on a Spamcop listing is a particularly risky
business; best to use a listing as an intelligence point towards a
decision whether to block a given message or not. That's why Spamcop is
referred to by the default SpamAssassin ruleset, but not in a big enough
way to block outright.

Fresh operational content: one of the reasons services like Spamcop
occasionally list services like Facebook is that they don't honour 5xx
responses to RCPT TO:. I'd offer some statistics but I'm concerned that
the legal brigade will jump down my throat, but I suggest that anyone
running a system like an academic mail platform take a look at the
number of invalid recipients services like Facebook try to deliver. If
they stopped doing that they'd be a long way towards better behaviour,


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