On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 22:46 -0600, Reed Loden wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 19:14:37 -0800
> Shon Elliott <s...@unwiredbb.com> wrote:
> > Anyone from Facebook or Spamcop lurking around to look into this? It's quite
> > annoying.. I can't imagine how many other users are scratching their heads 
> > on
> > this one...
> I'm a long-time SpamCop member, so I forwarded your mail to the
> deputies. They are aware that facebook's servers have been
> sporadically listed, and one of them specifically said the following:
> "Not much we can do about the listings.  They're sending spam to our 
> traps in large enough numbers that raises the score to a listing level. 
>   If Facebook were to follow best practices the spam complaints and
> trap hits would drop to levels that keeps them from getting listed."

That's more than fair IMO
not forgetting facebook is full of wankers, so they just have one more
avenue to spam/harras do the usual miscreant things, so I bloody well
hope no DNSBL whitelists or gives them (or anyone) preferential

> ~reed

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