On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 19:14:37 -0800
Shon Elliott <s...@unwiredbb.com> wrote:

> Anyone from Facebook or Spamcop lurking around to look into this? It's quite
> annoying.. I can't imagine how many other users are scratching their heads on
> this one...

I'm a long-time SpamCop member, so I forwarded your mail to the
deputies. They are aware that facebook's servers have been
sporadically listed, and one of them specifically said the following:

"Not much we can do about the listings.  They're sending spam to our 
traps in large enough numbers that raises the score to a listing level. 
  If Facebook were to follow best practices the spam complaints and
trap hits would drop to levels that keeps them from getting listed."


Reed Loden - <r...@reedloden.com>

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