* Scott Morris:

> Florian Weimer wrote:
>> * Scott Morris:
>>> I'm trying really hard to find my "paranoia hat", and just to relieve
>>> some boredom I read the entire bill to try to figure out where this was
>>> all coming from....
>>> "(2) may declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or
>>> shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal
>>> Government or United States critical infrastructure information system
>>> or network;"
>> Wouldn't this mean you're allowed to set emergency ACLs only if a
>> cybersecurity emergency has been declared by the President?

> I must have missed the phrasing that says "nobody else can make an
> independent decision regarding any security measure above and beyond the
> minimum standards"...
> I'll go back and look for that.

The thing your looking for is called "exclusio unius". 8-)

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