> Right - what I'm saying is the fact that there are default passwords at
> all is horribly insecure, and that the vendor in question should be
> prodded to change this dangerous practice.

I don't see how there's a security problem with equipment coming from the 
factory with factory default passwords. 

In my opinion, a breach caused by a reset of equipment to default 
configuration/passwords would suggest far more basic security issues, which are 
not at all mitigated by eliminating the existence of default passwords.

I generally try to mitigate the issues further down the stack.  I doubt factory 
default passwords are going anywhere, but even if they did go away, I would 
still strictly control access to my management interfaces, as well as the reset 
holes on my equipment, and so I would argue that I would be no more or less 
secure than I am now.

But maybe I'm missing something?

Best Regards,
Nathan Eisenberg

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