On Nov 25, 2009, at 1:33 AM, Hank Nussbacher wrote:

> At 08:57 25/11/2009 +0100, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
>> shouting.  This is all water under the bridge of course and we are
>> moving on;
>> I do not say everything is ideal now.  However the RIRs are actively
>> working to publish a complete set of stats files which also includes
>> unallocated resources.

I would've thought IANA would be responsible for unallocated resources.
>> This is the next best thing to full database
>> synchronisation. APNIC and the RIPE NCC are driving this effort.
> Perhaps the RIRs could get together and agree on a common whois syntax so 
> that when I check one RIR with one syntax - it would work on others as well?  


More seriously, the theory is that the RIRs are bottom-up driven.  If you think 
a unified whois schema across all RIRs (or even IRIS deployment) would be a 
good thing to have, there are likely better venues to raise the issue than 


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