At 08:57 25/11/2009 +0100, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
shouting.  This is all water under the bridge of course and we are
moving on;
I do not say everything is ideal now.  However the RIRs are actively
working to publish a complete set of stats files which also includes
unallocated resources.  This is the next best thing to full database
synchronisation. APNIC and the RIPE NCC are driving this effort.

Perhaps the RIRs could get together and agree on a common whois syntax so that when I check one RIR with one syntax - it would work on others as well? This issue has been around for over 7 years and I can't understand why the RIRs can't find common ground for the sake of the end users? Even if ARIN or APNIC won't accept "-B -G", then at least let their whois engine just ignore those extra parameters it doesn't understand. To me it looks like minor software changes.


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