Patrick Tracanelli wrote:
Brad Laue escreveu:
Hi all,

Would I be able to get an AT&T mail administrator to contact me off-list? We've 
recently moved our mailservers to a new IP address range, and the standard CGI 
forms haven't produced any progress for us in over a week now. Unfortunately this 
affects dozens of hosted clients...

The CGI form at has also got a dead 
link at the bottom, which shakes my confidence in its level of maintenance a 

Thanks in advance,

Any success?

I have been trying to mail @bellsouth for a while now, and I am stuckd
into this RBL. Filling the CGI form or mailing abuse@, postmaster, or
this address:

Never helped. My IP address, which has very good reputation on mail
delivery on many other public RBLs, btw, is still blocked reason-less.

No luck as yet. I've sent an e-mail to postmaster@ and abuse_rbl@, hopefully I'll receive a reply from these.

Exclusionary blocklists are a great idea if they're constantly maintained. I'm unclear as to why mail administrators don't work more proactively with things like SenderID and SPF, as these seem to be far more maintainable in the long-run than an ever-growing list of IP address ranges.

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