Brad Laue escreveu:
> Hi all,
> Would I be able to get an AT&T mail administrator to contact me off-list? 
> We've recently moved our mailservers to a new IP address range, and the 
> standard CGI forms haven't produced any progress for us in over a week now. 
> Unfortunately this affects dozens of hosted clients...
> The CGI form at has also got a dead 
> link at the bottom, which shakes my confidence in its level of maintenance a 
> little.
> Thanks in advance,

Any success?

I have been trying to mail @bellsouth for a while now, and I am stuckd
into this RBL. Filling the CGI form or mailing abuse@, postmaster, or
this address:

Never helped. My IP address, which has very good reputation on mail
delivery on many other public RBLs, btw, is still blocked reason-less.

Patrick Tracanelli

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