On 18.11.2009, at 20:08, Jeff Saxe wrote: > I don't think Steve meant a way to stop the CPU / process thread of > retrieving email if it is hung talking to an email server, although thank you > for that. I believe Steve meant "I want to keep reading the NANOG mailing > list in general, but this particular message thread has zero interest to me, > so as any new emails come in that are replies to replies to replies to this > thread, just suppress them so I don't have to even hit Delete.". Something > like that.
Ah, I thought you meant threads were blocking Mail.app from processing messages in other mailboxes. I subscribe to several imap boxes with over half a million messages in them, so I use activity monitor to kill sync all the time. Mail.app seems to not process anything else on the same account as long as it's busy processing a subscription for a particular mailbox, which can take forever in some cases. As to the actual question, I use Mail.app in threaded mode anyway. When I'm not interested in a thread, I just let it collect messages and mark it as read every couple of days. I'm not aware of any way to tell Mail.app to quit showing messages from a particular thread. Chris