On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Bret Clark wrote:

Yeah...because when the economy is sucking wind why not raise fees to
the consumer?!?!

And one of the points of my original response was that consumers in large part have not received any additional value out of the fees they've paying (directly or indirectly) for the past several years. Throwing yet more cash into the hog trough doesn't make much sense.

Want to get broadband out to people, then deal with duopolies that many
of the regions in the country have...such as Verizon & Comcast! They are
the main barriers that cause grief in deployment, giving a chance there
are any number of small businesses that could respond to a broadband
deployment faster, quicker and cheaper! Talk with any CLEC and they have
countless stories regarding the horrors of dealing with an ILEC.

Having worked much more closely with many ILECs in a previous life than I do now, I have plenty of horror stories of my own.


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