Maybe Google needs to incorporate some level of CDN support into their
SPDY layer...

Better than DNS I would think.


On 11/16/09, Glen Turner <> wrote:
> On 10/11/09 01:58, Jack Bates wrote:
>> And different CDN's behave differently, depending on how they deliver
>> content, support provider interconnects, etc. I'd hardly call many of
>> them DNS lies, as they do resolve you to the appropriate IP, and if that
>> IP disappears, try and quickly get you to another appropriate IP.
> It depends what you mean by "appropriate".  It may not be "least cost"
> or "closest", and that can be a rude shock when the CDN traffic suddenly
> costs you A$5/GB (delivered from the US by undersea cable) rather than
> $0 (delivered from an in-country peer).
> DNS is the wrong answer, simply because there's no way for the user to
> express *their* policy.  But since there no CDN support in HTTP.....
> --
>   Glen Turner   <>

Brandon Galbraith
Mobile: 630.400.6992
FNAL: 630.840.2141

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