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On Nov 9, 2009, at 19:32, wrote:
On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 06:24:52PM -0500, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
On Nov 9, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
i loved the henry ford analogy -- but i think henry ford would have
said that
the automatic transmission was a huge step forward since he wanted
to have a car. i can't think of anything that's happened in the
market that henry ford wouldn't've wished he'd thought of.
i knew that the "incoherent DNS" market would rise up on its hind
legs and
say all kinds of things in its defense against the ACM Queue
article, and i'm
not going to engage with every such speaker.
Paul: I completely agree with you that putting wildcards into the
roots, GTLDs, CCTLDs, etc. is a Bad Idea and should be squashed.
Users have little (no?) choice on their TLDs. Stopping those is a
Good Thing, IMHO.
However, I own a domain (or couple hundred :). I have a wildcard on
my domain. I point it where I want. I feel not the slightest twinge
of guilt at this. Do you think this is a Bad Thing, or should this
notbeing Paul, its rude of me to respond - yet you posted this
to a public list ... so here goes.
Why do you find your behaviour in your domains acceptable and yet
same behaviour in others zones to be "a Bad Thing" and should be
Thought I was clear: Choice.
I believe there is a qualitative difference between a *TLD and a
second level domain. /Especially/ for the GTLDs.
I guess one could argue CCTLDs are different, but I disagree. If you
are in Germany, a .de is nearly as important as .com in the US.
(Don't believe me? Go to
But no one has to use Or Or ....
A second issue is ownership. I own my domain. The .com domain is not
owed by Verisign (despite what they may think :-).
Again, one could make an argument that the CCTLDs are different -
"owned" by their host countries. I personally disagree, but I admit
that argument is less objective than the GTLDs.
Do you disagree wih my logic? Do you believe Verisign should be
allowed to do with .net the same things I should be allowed to do with
If so, please explain why.
If not, uh ... Why did you ask? =)