On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Mike Leber <mle...@he.net> wrote: ...
> We don't ignore comments about connectivity, in fact quite the opposite. > We study each AS and which ASes are behind them. We work on getting > peering with the specific AS, in the case that they are unresponsive, > getting the ASes behind them. > > Among the things we do to discuss peering: send email to any relevant > contacts, call them, contact them on IRC, send people to the relevant > conferences to seek them out specifically, send people to their offices, > etc. > > So far we stop short of baking cakes, but hey... > And tonight we saw in public that even that path is being attempted: http://www.flickr.com/photos/77519...@n00/4031434206/ (and yes, it was yummy and enjoyed by all at the peering BoF!) So Cogent...won't you please make nice with HE.net and get back together again? ^_^ Matt (speaking for neither party, but very happy to eat cake nonetheless)