Try opensource flowtools/FlowViewer. All sorts of reports, graphs, and RRDtool-like long-term series graphs, for AS'es.
The flowtools capture/analyzer software can handle high volumes of netflow exports from many exporters. Joe "Michael J McCafferty" <> 10/19/2009 01:43 PM Please respond to To "" <> cc Subject NetFlow analyzer software All, I am looking for decent netflow analyzer and reporting software with good support for AS data. ManagEngine's product crashes or locks up my browser when I try to list/sort the AS info because it's too large of a list and there is no way to tell it to show just the top x results. Plixer's Scrutenizer, while it seems like it's a pretty decent product, is no longer supporting Linux... We are a Linux shop (servers, desktops, laptops). What else is there that I might want to look at? Thanks! Mike Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry