Not sure if this will get you all the info you are looking for, but it's
open source and works well for our needs.

---- ---- ---- ----
Chris Gotstein, Sr Network Engineer, UP Logon/Computer Connection UP | +1 906 774 4847 |

Michael J McCafferty wrote:
> All,
>    I am looking for decent netflow analyzer and reporting  software with good 
> support for AS data. 
>    ManagEngine's product crashes or locks up my browser when I try to 
> list/sort the AS info because it's too large of a list and there is no way to 
> tell it to show just the top x results.
>    Plixer's Scrutenizer, while it seems like it's a pretty decent product, is 
> no longer supporting Linux... We are a Linux shop (servers, desktops, 
> laptops). 
>    What else is there that I might want to look at?
> Thanks!
> Mike
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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