In message <>, Jeff McAdams writes: > Seth Mattinen wrote: > > > If you are interested, I don't want to spam the list with my Verizon > > horror story, but you can read it here: > > > > At the risk of sounding like I'm piling on, I'm in the same basically > the same boat that Seth is, except that I do know who my account rep is > and have been in touch with him. > > Verizon's policy has been related to me that they will not accept or > propogate any IPv6 route advertisements with prefix lengths longer than > /32. Full stop. So that even includes those of us that have /48 PI > space from ARIN that are direct customers of Verizon.
Looks like Verizon doesn't want any IPv6 customers. If a company has idiotic policies like this vote with your wallet. > I've been told that Verizon is discussing this policy and whether it > should be updated, but until they update their policy to be in line with > the IPv6 Internet allocation/assignment policies from at least September > of 2006 (when ARIN assigned their first /48 from 2620:0::/23), if your > announcements are only longer than /32, you should be aware that Verizon > is completely unreachable for you - even if you are a Verizon customer > directly. > > -- > Jeff McAdams > -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: