On Wed, 7 Oct 2009 23:12:44 +0800
Adrian Chadd <adr...@creative.net.au> wrote:
Please don't forget moisture content. DSL speeds may drop during
wet winters because cable pits fill with water. :)
Those with real statistics, please stand up. I know ISPs who run
large DSL infrastructures have these stats. I've even seen them
at conferences. :)
Me! During the rainy season of recent past years, the cable vault in front
of my home would flood, thereby degrading or completely hosing DSL service.
Haven't had heavy rains for a couple years so no trouble.
I had to replace my DSL modem about 6 months ago because the previous
Westell Wirespeed modem had died very slowly. My speed went from 1.5M to
less than 200k and was flaky. The new modem gives me a clean 3M/768k
connection. Not bad for DSL ($35/month). But that wasn't weather related.
matthew black
california state university, long beach