On Oct 7, 2009, at 6:44 AM, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
I'm not sure the effects are so big compared to the actual speed that they are noticable for the average user. We also don't have any proper data available but we do (operating in NL) notice from time to time that periods with loads of rain can have influence on the stabillity and speed of DSL lines especially in older areas of towns where they still have paper/lead covered cabling instead of more modern PVC isolation. This as more visible when everybody still used 56k dialup.This may as well be a very local effect, the western part of our country is largely at or even below sealevel and very wet already.
However as these effects might get you a few kilobits extra from time to time that effect is not visible in overall usage statisctics, as soon as the sun comes out we see traffic levels drop to only rise again near september when everybody is back to school and the office. As far as traffic levels go, it's the rainy winter nights which make it into the recordbooks.
Grtx, Marco