On 29-Jul-09, at 9:23 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

LAS VEGAS — Two noted security professionals were targeted this week
by hackers who broke into their web pages, stole personal data and
posted it online on the eve of the Black Hat security conference.
Two noted security professionals, and Kevin Mitnick, whom no one gives a
damn about, were targeted...

Ettore Bugatti, maker of the finest cars of his day, was once asked why his cars had less than perfect brakes. He replied something like, "Any
fool can make a car stop.  It takes a genius to make a car go."

so i am not particularly impressed by news of children making a car

at the risk of adding to the metadiscussion. what does any of this have to do with nanog? (sorry I'm kinda irritable about character slander being spammed out unnecessarily to unrelated public lists lately ;-P )

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