---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: andrew.wallace <andrew.wall...@rocketmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:22 PM
Subject: Real Black Hats Hack Security Experts on Eve of Conference
To: Information Security Mailing List <n3t...@googlegroups.com>

LAS VEGAS — Two noted security professionals were targeted this week
by hackers who broke into their web pages, stole personal data and
posted it online on the eve of the Black Hat security conference.

Security researcher Dan Kaminsky and former hacker Kevin Mitnick were
targeted because of their high profiles, and because the intruders
consider the two notables to be posers who hype themselves and do
little to increase security, according to a note the hackers posted in
a file left on Kaminsky’s site.

The files taken from Kaminsky’s server included private e-mails
between Kaminisky and other security researchers, highly personal chat
logs, and a list of files he has purportedly downloaded that pertain
to dating and other topics.

The hacks also targeted other security professionals, and were
apparently timed to coincide with the Black Hat and DefCon security
conference in Las Vegas this week, where Kaminsky is unveiling new
research on digital certificates and hash collisions.

The hackers criticized Mitnick and Kaminsky for using insecure
blogging and hosting services to publish their sites, that allowed the
hackers to gain easy access to their data.



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