On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:14 AM, Michiel Klaver <mich...@klaver.it> wrote:

> Sean Donelan wrote:
> > The typical network architecture problem, what are the best (shortest
> latency, greatest bandwidth, etc) locations to connect to the every nation
> in the world?  As you increase the number of locations, how do the choices
> change?
> >
> > If you only had small (2 3 5 7 11) number of locations, where would they
> be?
> >
> > And what data do you have to prove the choices are best?
> Just a quick wikipedia and google search would provide you the answers
> to that:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_Internet_users
it's possibly useful to take into consideration _overall population since
broadband penetration is likely to grow in a population vs. remain stagnant
or decrease. That may suggest that the largest submarine cable landing
points agggregators (Telehouse, 111 8th, etc. NOTA MIA) would be optimal for
shortest reach to multitudes of networks and large amounts of capacity and
give you "reach" as well as decent performance.

My picks were NOTA facing the Americans, 118th/60 Hudson US, and Telehouse
London for Europe. I'm not suggesting that an IX is required. Would be nice
to keep costs down if that's also part of the objective, but not required.
There's a project that is mapping datacenters onto Google Earth globally and
if I could recall the URL I would suggest that a visualization of these
answers may be interesting.

Best Regards,


Martin Hannigan                               mar...@theicelandguy.com
p: +16178216079
Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Data Centers and Occupants

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