On Jul 15, 2009, at 5:07 AM, Sean Donelan wrote:
The typical network architecture problem, what are the best (shortest latency, greatest bandwidth, etc) locations to connect to the every nation in the world? As you increase the number of locations, how do the choices change? If you only had small (2 3 5 7 11) number of locations, where would they be?
And what data do you have to prove the choices are best?

As others have noted, this is a many-variables sort of problem, and to answer it well requires nailing down a few of those variables by combining the statistical output of netflow from your border routers with knowledge of the routing tables available at each potential IXP gleaned from looking-glasses at those IXes. ( http://pch.net/routing-tables being the source of such data that I can offer; the RIPE RIS program does the same thing with a partially-overlapping and partially-unique dataset; the union of the two gives the most complete available picture.)

However, if one wanted the beginnings of an answer, without nailing down any of the specifics, merely looking at the quantity of routes available at each IXP would let you know, on average, how many paths there were on offer to each destination. In all likelihood, different paths available to a given destination will be of different lengths. The more paths available to each destination, the greater the likelihood that one path will be shorter than others or, more to the point, shorter than your current shortest. ( https://prefix.pch.net/applications/ixpdir/?show_active_only=0&sort=prefixes&order=desc or just go to http://pch.net/ixpdir and sort by prefixes. Only a router with a full mesh of peers at an IXP could actually show _all_ of the available routes at an IXP, so nearly all views of this sort will be substantially incomplete; take with a healthy dose of skepticism, and please let me know if you find more complete public sources.)


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