Lu, As @Tom<> said, you'd be better off handing them back to your NANOG rep who can then allocate them to people who need it. They would be in the best position to allocate them where they may be needed, i.e. sponsoring someone to attend who otherwise may not have the capacity to purchase a ticket.
Regards, Christopher Hawker ________________________________ From: NANOG <> on behalf of Tom Beecher <> Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 1:57 AM To: Lu Heng <> Cc: NANOG <> Subject: Re: Free pass NANOG If NANOG has given you meeting passes that you aren't using, the best thing to do would be to contact the NANOG staff member that gave them to you and let them know you no longer need them. NANOG already has programs in place to assist students and others with meeting attendance. On Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 2:07 AM Lu Heng <<>> wrote: Hi I have a few passes for the upcoming NANOG meeting left, in which I would like to share with people who might need assistance to attend meetings(i.e students, academic or non profit), PM me if you are one of those people. -- -- Kind regards. Lu