On 12/27/24 18:28, Tom Beecher wrote:

These days, it's a LOT easier to get dedicated ethernet wave service between A and Z than it used to be. The pseudowire options were developed to fill that gap that customers wanted.

Still certainly use cases for it, but generally the dedicated waves are much easier to get and probably cheaper. The providers would certainly prefer NOT to sell you that service either in most cases, because they don't want the overhead of running their parts either, and would like to see it die on the vine.

You begin to run into commercial and technical constraints (let's not call them limits) when your EoMPLS orders start to enter the 15G - 20G range and higher.

Technically, if a customer wants DWDM-type behaviour where the path is fixed, you have to build an RSVP-TE tunnel, which is admin. It's possible this can be done more easily with SR-MPLS, but it's still a bit of admin. Then you have to make considerations for failure scenarios in your core, and how you guarantee your pw customer remains happy.

Commercially, if customers do not demand DWDM-type behavious driven by ERO's, you have a conundrum about whether you charge for automatic protection or not, because without an ERO, the customer will failover when the backbone fails over due to a core outage of some sort.


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