On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 6:18 AM John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> The ASO AC process is completely open to input from any interested
> party, as there is a wide range of communities that may want to provide
> input into the process.  In some cases, communities may coalesce
> around a single submission and in others (such as I would expect among
> NANOGers) there’s likely to end up being a variety of different views
> submitted by those interested in this topic.
> Nothing precludes you from having as much “discussion and debate” as
> you need for the germination of your ideas, but you do not get to constrain
> others as to how they wish to develop & submit their own ideas into the 
> process.

Hi John,

It seems to me that regulatory capture is just a little bit easier if
the feedback mechanism rewards groups who coalesce around a single
submission and doesn't intrinsically facilitate broad discussion of
the proffered ideas. But, as you say: that's just my opinion.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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