On Wed, 20 Nov 2024, 00:16 William Herrin, <b...@herrin.us> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 12:36 PM Noah <n...@neo.co.tz> wrote:
> > On Tue, 19 Nov 2024, 22:44 Owen DeLong, <o...@delong.com> wrote:
> >> They really aren’t. Contrary to the theories you keep pushing, they are
> >> businesses. They are not state agencies or quasi state agencies.
> >> They are not granted enforcement powers or any extraordinary
> >> legislative or judicial powers. They are run of the mill not-for-profit
> businesses.
> >
> > A business has private or public shareholders or stockholders who
> > once all taxes have been deducted on the legal entity's annual revenue
> > or bottomline .. the stockholders then enjoys dividends through board
> resolutions.
> Noah,
> You are correct that a non-profit organization does not have owners
> and thus does not produce profits for distribution to owners. Instead,
> it has a board of directors with a legal duty to assure it operates
> consistent with its non-profit mission.


> Owen is correct that in every other respect, a non-profit organization
> functions like any ordinary business.


For the purposes of regulatory compliances, an NGO ought to ensure it meets
its statutory liabilies just like any legal entity.

However, referring to the RIRs system as a cartel is misleading. We are
choosing to throw the word cartel around as if the RIR lack accountability
and operate without oversight yet we all here are members of such RIRs and
we as a community have participated in the policy development processes
that bore the rules of engagement for which the RIR system have operated-in
for decades.

The administrators or if you will staff/employees of these RIR's run them
based on bylaws/constitutions that resource members have enacted. The
policies each RIR follows to manage number resources in each region came to
be through community consensus through the policy development processes
that are open to public participation.

How then can some of you claim that the RIRs are some sort of cartel.

Are we saying that we the resource members who agreed on a constitutions
for managing these organizations and go on to bankroll the systems through
membership fees together with the wider internet communities who decide on
the rules of engagement through the PDP, created cartels organizations in
concert through our collective actions?


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