Having worked at Verizon, I can tell you in my experience this is the ONLY expeditious way to resolve the issue. The “correct” process drags on forever as the request (once it’s even properly received), bounces between departments before it even reaches someone who can begin to take action. Turning the equipment off, short circuits that process and drops the issue directly on the local offices desk. Shane On Nov 19, 2024, at 10:40 AM, Justin Streiner <strein...@gmail.com> wrote:
- Technical contact for Verizon (not Fios) before w... Bruce Wainer
- Re: Technical contact for Verizon (not Fios)... William Herrin
- Re: Technical contact for Verizon (not F... Mel Beckman
- Re: Technical contact for Verizon (n... Justin Streiner
- Re: Technical contact for Verizo... sronan
- Re: Technical contact for V... Julien Goodwin via NANOG