My dayjob is preparing to decom our original datacenter, built in the
90's, and the building is being torn down. We have a Verizon Fujitsu
Flashwave 4500 with working (green lights) OC12 connections to two
local CO's. We don't currently have any Verizon data services, and
thus no way to officially inform them of the imminent disconnection.
Although this is an older platform and these are (for today) slower
links, we want to provide time in case this is part of a ring with
other customers on it (like we have with other providers). This is in
southeastern Virginia.

If anyone from Verizon is here or anyone has contact information to
pass along, I'm happy to be contacted off-list. Otherwise, we plan to
unplug it and see what happens (not during the holidays).

Thank you,
Bruce Wainer

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