Nonstop and fast 502 and 504 here on a Mac with Chrome.  Points to edge having 
enough sockets and just inside that proxy not enough.  Some ratio that was 
expected and exceeded.  IMHO.

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Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2024 12:25:59 PM
To: NANOG <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Soooo..... Netflix

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Armchair quarterbacking...

Discussions I've seen from operators on Facebook shows some that had PNIs that 
worked just fine, while others with PNIs and cache boxes didn't fare so well. 
Some with just cache boxes were fine, while others were not.

What were your educated observations, preferably with supporting data?

Did we have a problem with congestion where the cache boxes phones home to, and 
this they just fell over?

AWS used to be the data source of last resort. Did anyone notice congestion 
going from AWS to cache boxes?

-----Mike HammettIntelligent Computing SolutionsMidwest Internet ExchangeThe 
Brothers WISP
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