> Imagine if the RIR of a region were forced to revoke all IP resources of a
> particular country from RPKI, effectively isolating that country from the
> global internet.

Any of the RIRs being forced to revoke ROAs would be a pretty significant
event. However your statement here is false.

Assuming all of those ROAs disappear or are force-expired, RPKI validation
would return NotFound. Exactly the same as any announcement that never had
a ROA to begin with. Nobody on the internet is dropping NotFound, and
likely won't in most of our lifetimes.

> Another concept is to use blockchain technology.

1. No
2. See #1

On Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 9:42 AM Brandon Z. <bran...@huize.asia> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Currently, due to political factors, some countries are not particularly
> proactive in deploying RPKI. Imagine if the RIR of a region were forced to
> revoke all IP resources of a particular country from RPKI, effectively
> isolating that country from the global internet.
> To address this, one approach is for autonomous networks within a region
> to establish two trusted RPKI CA servers: one from the major RIRs and
> another locally managed. The locally managed CA would take precedence,
> allowing autonomous networks to submit their IP resources to the RPKI
> server of their peers (and potentially backed by a national mandate to
> trust this CA). This setup could prevent a scenario where an entire
> country’s IP resources are revoked, leading to all IPs being marked as
> invalid.
> Another concept is to use blockchain technology. While cryptocurrencies
> use computational power to verify ownership, BGP could use peer count. If
> an IP resource is marked as valid by a majority of high-influence networks
> (with many peers), it could be trusted by the entire internet.
> Could this approach work? Perhaps there’s existing research on similar
> methods?
> *Brandon Z.*
> www.huize.asia  <https://huize.asia/>| www.ixp.su | Twitter
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